358 boeken
- The Rise and Progress of the British Explosives Industry. International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (7th : 1909 : London),Hodgetts, E. A. Brayley (Edward Arthur Brayley), 1859-1932,Tullock, Tom Gregorie, 1868-1938 VIIth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY - EXPLOSIVES SECTION€1001909
- Final report presented to H. Ex. Dr. Lauro Severiano Müller minister of industry, highways and public works. Relatorio final apresentado a ... part 1 - Report on the coal measures and associated Rocks of South Brazil, by Dr. I.C. White; part 2 - Mesosaurus brasilliensis nov. sp. from the Permian of Brazil, by Dr. J.H. Mc Gregor; part 3 - Fossil Flora of the coal measures of Brazil, by Dr. David White. WHITE, I.C.€6501908