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- The Folklore of American Holidays. A Compilation of more than 400 Beliefs, Legends, Superstitions, Proverbs, Riddles, Poems, Songs, Dances, Games, Plays, Pageants, Fairs, Foods and Processions Associated with over 100 American Calendar Customs and Festivals.CORBEN, HENNIG|TRISTRAM POTTER COFFIN [EDS.].€121987
- Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg [Particulary towards the End of the Reign of Catharine II, and the Commencement of that of Pail I. Forming a description of the manners of Petersburg, at the close of the eighteenth century, and containing various anecdotes, collected during a residence of ten years in that capital. With remarks on the education of the grand dukes, the manners of the ladies, and the religion of the people].MASSON, CHARLES FRANÇOIS PHILIBERT€281970