1181 boeken
- De Condylus Mandibulae in Vitro. Een vergelijkend cytologisch en histologisch onderzoek naar de groei van de condylus mandibulae van de rat in vivo en in vitro = The Mandibular Condyle in Vitro. A comparative cytologic and histologic study of the mandibular condyle of the rat in vivo and in vitro (With a summary in English).Bremers, Lodewijk Maria Hubertus.€301973
- The Kicevo Triodium (Cod, Sofia, Ban, 38) also known as the Bitola Triodium. An Old Bulgarian Manuscript from the XI-XII century. Text in Transcription. - Polata Knigopisnaja - An Information Bulletin Devotes to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures - November 1984, No 10-11.Zaimov, Jordan.€151984