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- Sermons on various subjects. (Vol. IV.). Containing, I. Temptations to Evil not from God. II. Men temted to Evil by their own Lufts. III. Of Natural, Moral, and Civil Liberty. IV. Of Christian Liberty. V. On the same Subject. VI. Of the Kingdom of God. VII. Of believing in Christ. VIII. Of Inability to do good arising grom vicious Habits. IX. A. Sermon addressed particularly to young Persons. X. How divine Worship is to be acceptably performed. XI. The Evil and Folly of Covetousnes. XII. The proper ImprovemAbernethy, John€1001751
- Who was who in Egyptology. A Biographical Index of Egyptologists; of Travellers, Explorers and Excavators in Egypt; of Collectors of and Dealers in Egyptian Antiquities; of Consuls, Officials, Authors, Benefactors, and others whose names occur in Literature of Egyptology, from the year 1500 to the present day, but excluding persons now living. Second Revised Edition.Dawson, Warren R. / Eric P. Uphill.€251972