86 boeken
- 6 partitions musicales, Pt. format: 1) Georgius & Henri Poussigue. Ça c'est la bagnole. 1937. - 2) Jaques Plante & Louis Ferrari. Mon petit bouquet de fleurs. Créée et enregistrée par Georges Guétary. 1949. - 3) J. Plante & H. Betti. Maitre Pierre. La plus belle chanson française. Disques Georges Guétary & Yves Montand. 1949. - 4) Marc Fontenoy et Géo Koger. Bella musica. Marche. Disques Sauvage, Delauney a.o. 1951. - 5) Fernand Bonifay et Guy Magenta. Au bord de la Tamise (Near the Thames) Song waltz. Disq Georgius, Plante, Fontenoy, Magenta, etc. (Würth illustrator)€901937
- Wisdom in Israel and in the Ancient Near East. Presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley. By the society for old testament study in association with the editorial board of Vetus Testamentum. In celebration of his sixty-fifth birthday, 24 march 1955 (Series: Supplements to Vetus Testamentum. Volume III) Noth, M. a.o.€91960