233 boeken
- The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter. Contents: Christian de Backer, Extracts of the Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter for the Rhine Province (1609-1625); James Hogg (ed.), Dom Palémon Bastin's Extracts from the ACTA of the Carthusian General Chapter for the provincia Angliae: Parkminster MS. B. 77; James Hogg (ed.), Ordinations of the Carthusian General Chapter between the Statuta Jancelini and the Statuta Antiqua. Backer, Christian de / James Hogg (eds.).€351989
- Apxiepatikon liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Graecae. Nunc primum ex regiis MS. Euchologijs, alijsque probatissimis monumentis collectus, Latina interpretatione, Notis ac Obseruationisbus Antiquitatis Ecclesiasticae plenissimis illustratus... Cum indice locupletissimo. HABERT, ISAAC (HABERTI, ISAACH).€1351970