463 boeken
- Manuscript, fairly good legible, of a student at the 'Ecole Militaire': lecture-notes of 3 courses given resp. by Steichen and Carrette: 1. Cours de Mécanique, 1849. given at the École initiale by Steichen. - 2. Cours de Mécanique appliquée, 1851, given at the École d'application (école qui apporte une spécialisation aux officiers et sous-officiers) par Steichen. - 3 Cours de Machines, 1851, given at the École d'Application par Carrette, Capitaine du génie. Steichen & Carrette€3001849
- Social liberation from the French Revolution to the middle of the twentieth century. Some 9.000 printed books and pamphlets in first and early editions, papers ans periodicals, almanacks, broadsides, posters, prints and caricatures, photographs, manuscripts and memorabilia. Collected and described by Agnes M. L. Kerssemakers. Kerssemakers, Agnes€802011