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- IATG². Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete<br>Zeitschriften, Serien, Lexika, Quellenwerke mit bibliographischen Angaben. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auf;age - International glossary of abbreviations for theology and related subjects. Periodicals, series, encyclopaedias, sources with bibliographical notes - Index international des abréviations pour la théologie et domains apparentés - Glossario internazionale delle abbreviazioni per la teologia e matere affini - Índice iSchwertner, Siegfried M.€601992
- Who was who in Egyptology. A Biographical Index of Egyptologists; of Travellers, Explorers and Excavators in Egypt; of Collectors of and Dealers in Egyptian Antiquities; of Consuls, Officials, Authors, Benefactors, and others whose names occur in Literature of Egyptology, from the year 1500 to the present day, but excluding persons now living. Second Revised Edition.Dawson, Warren R. / Eric P. Uphill.€251972
- De calendariis in genere, et speciatim de calendario ecclesiastico dissertatio, cui adnectuntur complura pervetusta Hagiologia nunc primum edita, atque illustrata, Index Martyrologicus , nec non tres Epistolica Dissertationes alia sacra monumenta exornantes.ALTHANO, FRIDERICO (ALTHAN, ALTAN)€1501753