1430 boeken
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- Bibliography of mono- and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries of technical terms used in geography as well as in related natural and social sciences : Bibliographie des dictionnaires et glossaires mono- et multilingues des termes techniques géographiques ainsi comme des sciences voisines naturelles et humaines.MEYNEN, E. (EMIL). (ed.).€181974
- Novella Ecclesiae Germina. Growing Churches as a task and a problem of the contemporary Missionary situation. Aspekte der Jungen Kirchen und die Gegenwärtige Missionsaufgabe. Les jeunes églises dans leur épanouissement et la tâche missionnaire actuelle.WINSEN, G.A.C., G.J.F. BOURITIUS & J. BUYS. (eds.)€91963
- The Book of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of The Church of England: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Printed as tey are to be sung or said in Churches. WITH: The Liturgy of the Church of England. Illustrated with Fifty Nine Historical and Explanatory Sculptures, Engraved by Mess. Ravenett, Grignion, Scotin, Cannot, Walker and W. Ryland. Published according to Act of Parliament. WITH: The Whole Book of PsalBinding|PRAYER BOOK€27501807