2278 boeken
- The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter. Contents: Christian de Backer, Extracts of the Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter for the Rhine Province (1609-1625); James Hogg (ed.), Dom Palémon Bastin's Extracts from the ACTA of the Carthusian General Chapter for the provincia Angliae: Parkminster MS. B. 77; James Hogg (ed.), Ordinations of the Carthusian General Chapter between the Statuta Jancelini and the Statuta Antiqua.Backer, Christian de / James Hogg (eds.).€351989
- Sämtliche Rezensionen in den Acta Eruditorum (1705-1731). Herausgegeben von Hubert A. Laeven und Lucy J. M. Laeven-Aretz [ 5 volumes ]. Teil 1. Préface. Einleitung 1705-1710. Teil 2. 1711-1718. Teil 3. 1719-1724. Teil 4. 1725-1731. Teil 5. Supplemente. Register.Wolff, Christian / Hubert A. Laeven / Lucy J.M. Laeven-Aretz.€3502001
- Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik (LRL) [ 2 volumes ] Band / Volume VI,1. Aragonesisch/ Navarresisch, Spanisch, Austurianisch/Leonesisch (Aragonés/Navarro, Espanol, Asturiano/Leonés) & VI,2. Galegisch, Portugiesisch (Gallego, Português).Holtus, Günter / Michael Metzeltin / Christian Schmitt (eds.).€3501992
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Study Edition : Complete text of the rite together with additional rites approved for use in the dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See.International Commission English Liturgy / Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy.€101988