Twentieth Century Interpretations of Euripides' Alcestis. A Collection of Critical Essays. - WILSON, J.R., (ed.),


'Here are ten interpretations of 'Alcestis', followed by ten brief viewpoints on particular aspects of the play and preceded by an editorial introduction.All abbreviated extracts, and I started reading with scant enthusiasm, only to find that the standard was remarkably high and that the essays reflected much that is best in modern literary criticism. What struck me most forcibly was the number of distinct and defensible interpretations which this apparently simple play had attracted. Most of the contributors had seen the initial problem more or less as an apparent discord between a fairy-tale of death and resurrection and the realistic and disagreeable presentation of those involved, but the solutions offered varied in an interesting way. In short this is an excellent collection and I cordially recommentd it to lovers of classical and modern literature.' (A.D. FITTON BROWN in The Classical Review (New Series), 1970, p.300-301). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
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1968Uitgever: Prentice Hall