The Ruby in Her Navel - Barry Unsworth

Een idealistische, naïeve Normandische edelman dreigt in het Sicilië van de 12e eeuw ten onder te gaan aan zijn persoonlijke liefdesperikelen en politieke intriges,
The Ruby in Her Navel is a historical novel by Barry Unsworth first published in 2006. It was long listed for the Booker Prize that year.
The story is set in 12th century Sicily and is centered on the Christianization of the Norman kingdom of Sicily under King Roger II. The book is narrated by Thurstan Beauchamp, a young man of English-Norman origins.
The Ruby in Her Navel is a historical novel by Barry Unsworth first published in 2006. It was long listed for the Booker Prize that year.
The story is set in 12th century Sicily and is centered on the Christianization of the Norman kingdom of Sicily under King Roger II. The book is narrated by Thurstan Beauchamp, a young man of English-Norman origins.
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