The Little Universe of Man - Darlington, C.D.
In this book Professor Darlington shows to what extent the evolutionary processes set in motion over the last 300 years have created a new world, which is now powerfully organized to destroy itself. He also shows how the great knowledge, sweeping us forward into a dangerous future, is telling us which way we are going, and which other ways we might be going if we care to read the evidence that he offers us. This evidence comes from the union of many sciences — economics, ecology, genetics, agriculture and medicine — all in their relationships to one another and from their applications to our own lives. The lesson to be learned from his account I it Is that a great deal of our immediate future can be foretold; that our remote destiny is certain; and that there is a vast middle ground before us, concerning ourselves and our children, in which we, by our know- ledge, imagination and courage, have a part to play.