The Eyes of the Fleet. A Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815 - PRICE Anthony

Pb, in-8, 298 pp., ill., bibliography, index.
The book provides a detailed account of the naval warfare tactics and strategies used during this era, offering an in-depth look into the lives and experiences of frigate captains. The author meticulously explores the crucial role these naval vessels played in the British Royal Navy's operations. The book is filled with fascinating anecdotes and personal stories of the captains, making it not just a historical account but also a captivating narrative. It is an excellent read for anyone interested in naval history, maritime warfare, and the Napoleonic era.
The book provides a detailed account of the naval warfare tactics and strategies used during this era, offering an in-depth look into the lives and experiences of frigate captains. The author meticulously explores the crucial role these naval vessels played in the British Royal Navy's operations. The book is filled with fascinating anecdotes and personal stories of the captains, making it not just a historical account but also a captivating narrative. It is an excellent read for anyone interested in naval history, maritime warfare, and the Napoleonic era.
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PRICE Anthony
The Eyes of the Fleet. A Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815
Pb, in-8, 298 pp., ill., bibliography, index.
The book provides a detailed account of the naval warfare tactics and strategies used during this era, offering an in-depth look into the lives and experiences of frigate captains. The author meticulously explores the crucial role these naval vessels played in the British Royal Navy's operations. The book is filled with fascinating anecdotes and personal stories of the...
The Eyes of the Fleet. A Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815
Pb, in-8, 298 pp., ill., bibliography, index.
The book provides a detailed account of the naval warfare tactics and strategies used during this era, offering an in-depth look into the lives and experiences of frigate captains. The author meticulously explores the crucial role these naval vessels played in the British Royal Navy's operations. The book is filled with fascinating anecdotes and personal stories of the...