"Plus" en Yves De Smet  -  Koen Brams

ideologie, kameraadschap en rivaliteit op het speelveld van de Gentse kunst tussen 1965 en 1970


In December 1966, a group exhibition titled «PLUS» met opzet takes place at the Sint-Lucas Institute in Ghent. What does this title mean? ‘Intentionally’ ‘Plus’? ‘Deliberately’ ‘Plus’? ‘Deliberately’ ‘Plus’? What is meant by ‘PLUS’ with intent?

Not only is the title puzzling, so is the composition of the group of participating artists: Amédée Cortier, Yves De Smet, Gerard Geerinckx, René Heyvaert, Willy Plompen, Albert Rubens and Jan Van Den Abbeel. Some of them have become key figures of Belgian post-war
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