Museum Philologum Londiniense. Vol. I. -  BROWNING, R., and G. GIANGRANDE, (eds.),


A.o.: W.G. ARNOTT: Annotations to Aristaenetus (pp.9-33); J. SVENBRO: Sappho and Diomedes (pp.37-51); F. CAIRNS: Horace, 'Epode' 2, Tibullus I, 1 and rhetorical praise of the coutnry side (pp.79-93); D.M. SCHENKEVELD: Theories of evaluation in the rhetorical treatises of Dionysisus of Halicarnassus (pp.93-109); H. van LLOY: Figura etymologica et Etymologie dans l'oeuvre de Sophocle (pp.109-121); G. GIANGRANDE: Metodi di lettura: La lingua di Oppiano (pp.127-137). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
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1975 Uitgever: Hakkert