Medicine and the englightenment -  Roy Porter


De interpretatie van de achttiende-eeuwse geneeskunde is veel betwist. Sommigen zien het als een wildernis van rationalisme en dorre theorieën tussen de wetenschappelijke revolutie en de verbazingwekkende veranderingen van de negentiende eeuw.
The interpretation of eighteenth-century medicine has been much contested. Some have view it as a wilderness of rationalism and arid theories between the Scientific Revolution and the astonishing changes of the nineteenth-century. Other scholars have emphasized the close and fruitful links between medicine and the Enlightenment, suggesting that medical advance was the very embodiment of the philosphes ’ ideal of a practical science that would improve mankind’s lot and foster human happiness. In a series of essays covering Great Britain, France, Germany and other parts of Europe, noted historians debate these issues through detailed examinations of major aspects of eighteenth-century medicine and medical controversy, including such topics as the introduction of smallpox i...
1995 Taal: Engels zie alle details...



1995 Uitgever: Rodopi, Editions Reeks: Clio Medica 399 paginas Taal: Engels ISBN-10: 9051835620 ISBN-13: 9789051835625