LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY. Introduction by Robert Graves. -

With contributions of G.H. Luquet, J. Viau, F. Guirand, L. Delaporte, A.-V. Pierre, J.X.W.P. Corcoran, E. Tonnelat, G. Alexinsky, P. Masson_Oursel, L. Morin, O.I. Tai, O. Bruhl, M. Fauconnet, and G.-H. Luquet.
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1959. XI,500p. Richly ills. Cloth wrps. Wrps worn. Bit yellowed. [Antiquarian] [Uitgever: Batchword Press London (...)] [Jaar: 1959] [Titel: LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY. Introduction by Robert Graves.]