Performing arts in the Austrian 18th century - J. van Schoor; C. Stalpaert; B. van Oostveldt
new directions in historicak and methodological research

The 18th century is in more than one respect a fascinating era for the performing arts: for the first time people are reflecting on the craft of acting and points of view are taken. As an inevitable consequence the art of the theatre is officially recognised, i.e. as the mirror of a perfect society. Theatre became a 'métier' for the use of political systems, the absolutism and enlightenment. Another striking fact is the international attitude of the theatre: language is not prominent, but the artistic aspects of scenography (painting), music, dance and play score high. The overwhelming force is in the worlds of reflexion and moral. In this way the ideal and imaginary world of the theatre inevitably undoes the culture until then dominated by an international aristocracy. When composing the standard work Een theatergeschiedenis der Nederlanden (‘A History of Theatre in the Netherlands’, Amsterdam, 1996, ed. Rob Erenstein) it became clear that a lot of research was still to be done about 18th century performing ...