ALL AMERICAN ADS OF THE 50 S - Onbekende auteur
An Illustrated History

The computer as calculating aide, as military wonder weapon, as electronic data processor that rationalises workplaces, as plaything & partner, as the tool for creativity & communication, as a memory & intelligence booster, & finally as a super- or hyper-medium - the computer has been accorded all of these roles & claims during its brief history. Its potential as a universally configurable machine & tool for other tools appears unfathomable. Yet precisely this versatility & the enormous variety of its allotted tasks & functions emphasise the necessity of tapping them & being using them purposefully & effectively, which makes ease of use the key criterion of a computer. The interface between the computer & the human being is not simply a kind of space, surface or point for interacting with the computer, but also the locus where the two historical dimensions of its usage, programming & applications, grew closer & closer until they finally merged. This publication will be the first book ever to tackle the histor...
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