Art moderne de l'entre-deux-guerres  -  Greta Van Broeckhoven; Sergio Servellón

Collection du K.M.S.K.A


This publication offers insights into the lively arts scene during the interwar period, ranging from post-impressionism, passing through abstraction and expressionism, to the mixed forms characteristic of that time, with works by Jules Schmalzigaug, Marthe Donas, Oscar and Floris Jespers, Edmond Van Dooren, Jozef Peeters, Felix De Boeck, Jan Kiemeneij, Jos Leonard, Paul Joostens, Prosper De Troyer, Marcel-Louis Baugniet and Ossip Zadkine. In addition to two introductory entries, a sequential analysis of in
2015 Taal: [MU] zie alle details...



2015 Uitgever: Bai 144 paginas Taal: [MU] Grootte:  220x230 ISBN-10: 9085867134 ISBN-13: 9789085867135