Art & Industry. The principles of industrial design.1953. New & revised edition. - Herbert Read

“On its publication in 1934, Herbert Read's, Art and lndustry was seen as perhaps the most important discussion of design to have been published in Britain since the renewed identification of the topic in this [last] century.” – Robin Kinross, “Herbert Read's Art and Industry: a history”, Journal of Design History, Vol. I, No. I, 1988.
The cover and typography were designed by influential Bauhaus master, Herbert Bayer (1900–1985) before he sought asylum in America in 1938 as a Bauhaus refugee. Bayer, a graphic designer and artist, trained at the German Bauhaus for four years under influential figures including Kandinsky, Klee, and Moholy-Nagy. Walter Gropius, founder of Bauhaus and a neighbour of Herbert Read in Hampstead, later appointed Bayer Director of Printing and Advertising. Read, likely introduced to Bayer through Gropius, used Bayer's innovative designs in Art and Industry and numerous other of his publications.
The cover and typography were designed by influential Bauhaus master, Herbert Bayer (1900–1985) before he sought asylum in America in 1938 as a Bauhaus refugee. Bayer, a graphic designer and artist, trained at the German Bauhaus for four years under influential figures including Kandinsky, Klee, and Moholy-Nagy. Walter Gropius, founder of Bauhaus and a neighbour of Herbert Read in Hampstead, later appointed Bayer Director of Printing and Advertising. Read, likely introduced to Bayer through Gropius, used Bayer's innovative designs in Art and Industry and numerous other of his publications.
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Faber and Faber, 1953, 3e herziene druk, 204 pp., linnen hardcover, zonder stofomslag 15 x 23 cm., 530 gr., goede conditie, naam en datum op schutblad, verder onbeschreven, goed in de band, rug wat verkleurd