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- Travels in Parts of South America, during the years 1801, 1802, 1803, & 1804. Containing a description of the captain-Generalship of Carracas, with an account of the laws, commerce, and natural productions of that country. As also a view of the customs and manners of the Spaniards and Native Indians.Depons, Francois€3001806
- Donaueschinger Gebetbuch. Handschrift 335 der F.F. Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen. WITH: Ankunft und Badebetrieb in Bagnoli. Petrus de Ebulo, De Balneis Puteolorum et Baiarum. Süditalien, um 1250. Rom, Bibliotheca Angelica, fol. 3r. WITH: Josef und Seine Brüder. Le psautier de Saint Louis, Paris 13. Jh. Bibliothèque nationale Paris, Ms. lat. 10525, fol. 17v.PROSPECTUS€40