5416 boeken
- In luminis oras. De verklaringen voor optische problemen in Lucretius DRN IV en de antieke opvattingen over het zien en over spiegels. In luminis oras: The Explanations of Optical Problems in Lucretius DRN IVand the Ancient Theories of Vision and Mirrors (with an English Summary).KOENEN, M.H.,€231995
- Bernard's Commentum in Theodulum: Editio Princeps. Contents: 1. Introduction (with excursus on Chaucer). 2. Bernard's Commentum in Theodulum (pp.1-122). 3. Textual and explanatory notes (pp.123-217); 4. appendix 1: Theoduli ecloga (pp.218-229). 5. appendix 2: epistola Bernardi ad Conradum episcopum Trajectensem. 6. Bibliography.JACOBS, M.Y.,€114,501968