72 boeken
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- A book of Belgium's Gratitude comprising literary articles by representative Belgians, together with their translations by various hands, and illustrated throughout in colour and black and white by Belgian artists.Cammaerts, Emile / Emile Claus / Henri Davignon / Paul Lambotte / a.o., editors.€351916
- Les aventures de Télemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Nouvelle édition, augmentée de notes géographiques et mythologiques. - Le avventure de Telemaco, figliuolo d'Ulisse. Nuova edizione, corretta dall'avocato Sincero Rastelli, ed accresciuta d'anotazioni geografiche e mitologiche. 4 Tomes / 4 Tomos in 2 vols.Fénelon.€1601803