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- The History of the Church of Scotland, Beginning the Year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the Reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed Memory. Wherein are described, The Progress of Christianity. The Persecutions and Interruptions of it. The Foundation of Churches. The Erecting of Bishopricks. The Building and Endowing Monasteries, and other Religious Places. The Succession of Bisshops in their Sees. The Reformation of Religion, and the frequent Disturbances of that Nation, by Wars, ConspiraSPOTTISWOOD, JOHN€6501655
- Kort Ontwerp der Godtgeleertheyt, of Gouden Schakel Der God'lyke Waarheden Van de Hervormde Kerke, en eene Wederlegginge der Dwalingen, van de genen, die buyten zyn. Nevens een Belydenis-Reden: Tot Algemeene Stigting, en byzondere handleyding van Weetgierige Leerlingen, ter bevordering van de Kennisse der Waarheyt, die na de Godzaligheyt is, Opgestelt en Vast-geschakeld.RAVESTEYN, HENRICUS€1501730