the field
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- The Vvorkes of thet Learned and reuerend Divine, Iohn White. Together with a Defence of the Way to the trve Chvrch, in answer to a Popish Treatise written bt T.W.P. entituled White died Blacke. By Francis White. WITH: A Replie to Jesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propouded by his most gratious Matie. King Iames. By Francis White.WHITE, JOHN/WHITE, FRANCIS€15001624
- A Commentarie vpon the Fifteene Psalmes, called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees. Faithfvlly Copied ovt of the Lectures of D. Martin Luther, very fruitfull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to reade. Translated out of Latine into English by Henry Bull.Luther Martin€10351615
- 19 different publications: Cambridge / Epinal / Sicily-Rome / Brittany / Rhône / Florence / Henri-Chapelle / Luxembourg / Lorraine / Ardennes / Netherlands / Flanders Field / Suresnes / Meuse-Argonne / Aisne-Marne / Normandy / Netherlands Lorraine / Oise-Aisne American Cemetery and Memorial.N/A. - The American Battle Monuments Commission.€1251956