120 boeken
- Green designed: Fashion. Couture. Prêt-à-porter. Street Wear. Casual. Green designed:Fashion presents more than 40 innovative fashion designers and projects that work with an ecological consciousness. In the production, the designers are oriented toward or already completely fulfil environmentally and socially sound standards. This volume shows eco-fashion in every possible variation, ranging from the small, original t-shirt collection to exclusive haute couture that lives up to the standards set by ParisiaBierhals, Christine Anna; Christine, Bierhals;€92008
- Biological Distributional Types in the Flora of Greenland. A Study on the Flora and Plant-Geography of South Greenland and Eastgreenland between Cape Farewell and Scoresby Sound. With 147 figures in the text and 2 plates (Meddelelser om Gronland, udgivne af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersogelser i Gronland, Bd. 106 Nr. 2)Böcher, Tyge W.€321938
- De invloed van geluid op het neerslaan van ingeademde nevel. Een experimenteel onderzoek over de vibrerende aerosol. [ The influence of sound on the deposition of inhaled aerosol. An experimental research of the vibrating aerosol - with a summary in English ].Wijngaarden, Hendrik Adrianus van.€151977