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- Social Liberation from the French Revolution to the Middle of the Twentieth Century. Some 9.000 Printed books and Pamflets in first and early editions, Papers and Periodicals, Almanacks, Broadsides, Posters, Prints and Caricatures, Photographs, Manuscripts and Memorabilia.KERSSEMAKERS, AGNES M.L. [ED.].€262011
- Approaches to Catullus. A.o.: J.P. ELDER: Notes on some conscious and unconscious elements in Catullus' poetry (pp.41-78); F.O. COPLEY: Emotional conflict and its significance in the Lesbia-poems of Catullus (pp.78-98); M.C.J. PUTNAM: Catullus' journey (pp.136-149); W. CLAUSEN: Callimachus and Latin Poetry (pp.269-287).QUINN, K, (ed.),€431972