middle ages
918 boeken
- ALEXANDER THE GREAT IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Ten Studies on the Last Days of Alexander in Literary and Historical Writing. A.o.: E. VISSER: Alexander's Last Days in Hellenistic and Roman Tradition (pp.1-21); W.J. AERTS: The Last Days of Alexander the Great according to the Byzantine Alexanderpoem (pp.21-56); A.N. CIZEK: Alexander's Last Days in the Romanian Alexander Romance (Istoria despre Marele Alexandru Imparat) in relation to its Middle Greek and Slavonian antecedents (pp.56-86). AERTS, W.J., a.o., (ed.),€321978
- La ville et la transmission des valeurs culturelles au bas moyen âge et aux temps modernes / Die stadte und die ubertragung von kulturellen werten im spatmittelalter und in die neuzeit / Cities and the transmissin of cultural values in the late middle ages and early modern period. Actes / Abhandlungen / Records. 17E COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL / 17. INTERNATIONALES KOLLOQUIUM/ 17TH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM SPA, 16-19 V. 1994:€251996