104 boeken
- Drawings of Rembrandt in two volumes. With a Selection of Drawings By His Pupils and Followers. With an introduction, commentary and supplementary material by Seymour Slive Based on the facsimile series edited by F. Lippmann, C. Hofstede de Groot and others. * Collections of Fine Art in Dover Books.Rembrandt & Slive, Seymour (introd.).€18
- Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics : Proceedings of the International RILEM/ESIS Conference [ 2 volumes ] Volume One : Microscopic Material Studies and Materials Engineering. Volume Two : Macroscopic Modelling and Structural Engineering.Mier, J. G. M. van / J. G. Rots / A. Bakker (eds.).€701991
- Publicity material with examples of engraved and decorated glass windows and panels by anonymous firms: 1) Album G.B. Gravure sur verres et glaces. Lille, c. 1910. Printed by J. Verschave-Hourquin, Roubaix. 50 leaves (4 folding: tryptichs) with examples in art nouveau style. - 2) J. F.. Gravure artistique sur verre et glace. Bruxelles, Impr. V. Ernult-Doncq, c. 1920. 91 numbered plates on 86 leaves, designed by J. F. - 3) H.D.. La décoration sur verre & glace. Album de gravure moderne. Bruxelles, Impr. V(Glass engraving). (Trade catalogues).€90
- Publicity material with examples of pictorial engraved glass (windows and panels): 1 & 2) P.V.O. (Maison P. van Oudenhove). Catalogue de gravure moderne & Gravure sur verres et glace. Bruxelles, ca 1920. 2 catalogues of resp. 8 & 15 leaves with illustrations. - 3) R.B. (René Broeckaert). Gravure sur verre. Bruxelles, 1910. 22 illustr. on 20 plates (2 with short margins) designed by Bonneau. - 4) Maison Harpigny. Décoration artistique. Des glaces et verres. Liége, 1926. 24 illustr. on 20 leaves, designed by(Glass engraving). (Trade catalogues).€751920