266 boeken
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel; or, The Hebrew Bible Historiale. Being A Collection of Apocryphal and Pseudo-Epigraphical Books Dealing with the History of the World from the Creation to the Death of Judas Maccabeus. Translated for the First Time from an Unique Manuscript in the Bodleian Library, Together with an Introduction, Critical Notes, a Full Index, and Five FacsimilesGASTER, M. (translation)€50
- The Kicevo Triodium (Cod, Sofia, Ban, 38) also known as the Bitola Triodium. An Old Bulgarian Manuscript from the XI-XII century. Text in Transcription. - Polata Knigopisnaja - An Information Bulletin Devotes to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures - November 1984, No 10-11.Zaimov, Jordan.€151984