first edition
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- Ahmedis Arabsiadae. Vitae et Rerum Gestarum Timuri, qui vulgo Tamerlanes Dicitur, Historia. (Title in Arabic =) Kitab 'Aja'ib al-maqdur fi akhbar Taymur. [ 2 volumes in 3 ]. 'Complete set of the first and only edition in Latin verso Arabic of Ibn 'Arabshah's eyewitness account of Timur'Timur [ Tamerlane ] / Ahmad Ibn'Arabshah / Henry Samuel Manger (ed.).€15001767
- Ten Years' Exile. Or Memoirs of that interesting period of the life of the Baronness de Stael-Holstein, written by herself During the Years 1810, 1811, 1812 and 1813. First publisherd by her son from the original manuscript in 1812. This new edition is introduced by Margaret Crosland.STAËL-HOLSTEIN, BARONESS DE [MARGARET CROSLAND - ED.].€9,60