141 boeken
- Florian Geiss. Gimme Shelter. Yearning, vulnerability, self-image, and desire--all of this can be found in the densely atmospheric photographs of Florian Geiss (born 1969), which emanate a fascinating yet disturbing aura. In Gimme Shelter, the German photographer focuses on his protagonists' search for identity and individuality in the aspirational dream known as the American way of life. With their interplay of light and shadow, and minimal, yet succinct colors, these works unite formal elements of cinematGeiss, Florian€12,502017
- Monumenten en Landschappen, jaargang 10, nr 4 - HIMPE, K. (1991) – Historisch-landschappelijke relictwaarden uit het kasteeldomein van Poeke: aandachtspunten voor een creatief parkbeheer. [The castle domain of Poeke: historical landscape-relics and elements for an imaginative park management.] DE CEULAER, R., AERTS, W., MAES, Y. (1991) – De wandtapijten van de Sint-Catharinakerk te Hoogstraten - een conserveringsbehandeling. [Conservation treatment of the wall tapestry of the St. Catherine’s church at HoogsMINISTERIE VLAAMSE GEMEENSCHAP - MONUMENTEN EN LANDSCHAPPEN€101991