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- Les plus anciennes traductions Françaises de la Divine Comedie. Textes & Illustrations / Philologischer Kommentar zu der Französ. Übertragung von Dantes Inferno in der Hs. L III 17 der Turiner Universitätsbibliothek. Supplément zu: Les plus anciennes traductions françaises de la Divine Commédie publiées par C. Morel. [ Complete, text, portfolio with plates and supplement by Stengel ].Morel, C. / E. Stengel.€1501895
- Hexapla, that is A Six-Fold Commentarie upon the most Divine Epistle of the holy Apostle S. Paul to the Romanes, wherein according to the Authors former method sixe things are observed in every Chapter. I. The Text with the divers readings. 2. Argument and method. 3. The Questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall uses observed. Wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian Religion, concerning justification by faith, c. 3, 4. the fall of man, c. 5. the combat betweenWILLET, ANDREW€6751620