156 boeken
- De Condylus Mandibulae in Vitro. Een vergelijkend cytologisch en histologisch onderzoek naar de groei van de condylus mandibulae van de rat in vivo en in vitro = The Mandibular Condyle in Vitro. A comparative cytologic and histologic study of the mandibular condyle of the rat in vivo and in vitro (With a summary in English).Bremers, Lodewijk Maria Hubertus.€301973
- Introductory Handbook to The Styles of English Architecture. A Companion to the Series of Large Scale Comparative Diagrams (Size 30 x 20 inches), prepared for the use of Schools, Teachers, Students and Others. Part II Tudor & Renaissance (end of 15th to end of 18th centuries).Stratton, Arthur.€181928