185 boeken
- Flora of New Zealand. Volume I-IV (4-volume set). Volume I: Indigenous Tracheophyta, Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. Volume II: Indigenous Tracheophyta, Monocotyledones except Gramineae. Volume III: Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons. IV: Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, DicotyledonsAllan, H.H.|Edgar, E.|Garnock-Jones, P.J.|Healy, A.J.|L.B. Moore|Sykes, W.R.|Webb, C.J,€1001982
- Disputationum adversus Gentes Libri VII. Recognovit notis priorum interpretum selctis aliorumque et suis illustravit Io.C. Orellius. Pars I. Pars II. Appendix Editionis Lipsienis Arnobii Afri contines Varias (...) emeendationes et explicationes in hac editione omissas inspersis ineditis hucusque Chr. A. Heumanni coniecturis quibus suarum adnotationum supplementa adiecit Io.C. Orellius. (Complete).ARNOBIUS AFRI,€1781816
- Hellenistische Bauten in Latium. I. Baubeschreibungen. Mit 20 Tafeln und 88 Textabbildungen (loose in folder). II. Baubeschreibungen. Geschichtliche Erläuterung. A. Die Technik. B. Die geschichtliche Stellung der Technik. C. Die Kunstformen. D. Die geschichtliche Stellung der Kunstformen. III. Costruzioni ellenistiche nel Lazio (traduzione italiana).DELBRÜCK, R.,€531979
- De Waterkeeringen, Waterschappen en Polders van Zuid-Holland deel VII-I De Eilanden (vervolg) afd. III: Het eiland Voorne en Putten met de Welplaat. Onderafdeling I Algemeen en Onderafdeling II De drie Hoogheemraadschappen en de overige waterschappenTeixeira de Mattos, Jhr. L.F. & Buijtendorp, K.B.A. & Schilthuis, Mr. G.J.C. & Gouw, J.L. van der€751952
- Springs of Hellas and other essays. With a Memoir by S.C. Roberts. Contents: I.Springs of Hellas. II. Savages. III. The Exiles. IV. The Welding of mankind. V. A Quip of Quintilian's. VI. Polybius at Rome. VII. Cicero among his Books. VIII. Prince of Digressors. IX. The Mind of St Paul.GLOVER, T.R.,€22,501945
- Thracians and Mycenaeans. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congres of Thracologie, Rotterdam, 24-26 Sept.1984. A.o.: R.F. HODDINOT: Thracians, Mydenians and The Trojan Question (pp.52-68); I. von BREDOW: Homer (pp.143-153); D.W. SMIT: Mycenian Penetration into Northern Greece (pp.174-181); N.C. MOUTSOPOULOS: Tournée en Rhodope du Sud et à Samothrace (pp.246-280).BEST, J., and N. de VRIES, (ed.),€37,501989