1430 boeken
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- The Annalytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: consisting of An Alphabetical Arrangement of everyday word and inflection contained in the Old Testament Scriptures, precisely as they occur in the sacred text, with a grammatical analysis of each word, and lexicographical illustration of the meanings. A complete series of hebrew and chaldee paradigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations.DAVIDSON, B.€121970
- Pitman's Commercial Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of Business. A Reliable and Comprehensive Work of Reference on All Commercial Subjects. Specially Designed and Written for the Busy Merchant, the Commercial Student and the Modern Man of Affairs. Assisted by Upwards of Fifty Specialists as Contributors [4 Vols. Compl.].SLATER, JOHN ARTHUR€551912
- Tallis to Wesley. Practical Editions of Original English Organ Music, partly on two staves from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century suitable as Voluntaries. Number Nineteen. George Frideric Handel (II): Four Voluntaries for the Organ or Harpsichord with an Introduction by Francis Routh (nr. 1685b)Handel, Georg Friedrich/Philips, Gordon (ed.)€61961
- 5 pamphlets in 1 vol. 1) Les enluminures du fameux almanach, en estampe, qui parut en 1653, de la part des Jésuites, intitulé: La déroute, et la confusion des Jansénistes. Ces enluminures ont été faites pour y répondre, & sont attribuées à feu Monsieur (Isaac-Louis, le Maistre) De Sacy. On y a joint l'estampe (not present as usual). - 2) Desciption exacte de la planche La Déroute & Confusion des Jansénistes. Avis de l'éditeur. Les nouveaux appellans ou la bibliothèque des damnez. - 3) Choregraphus ou la reDe Sacy€5001733