102 boeken
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- Histoire de la vie des apostres. Recueillie par Abdias, premier Evesque de Babylon, translatée du Grec en Latin par Jule Africain aussi Evesque, & depuis mise en nostre vulgaire. Les Apostres se departoyent iojeux de devant la face des Iuges, parce qu'ils ont esté estimé dignes de recevoir iniure par le nom de Iesus. Act. 5. De nouveau a esté adioustée la vie de sainct Marcial Evesque de Limoge. - In the earlier editions of 1564, 1569, 1579 and 1582 the first part of the title was different: "L'HistoireAbdias€4001612
- The Book of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of The Church of England: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Printed as tey are to be sung or said in Churches. WITH: The Liturgy of the Church of England. Illustrated with Fifty Nine Historical and Explanatory Sculptures, Engraved by Mess. Ravenett, Grignion, Scotin, Cannot, Walker and W. Ryland. Published according to Act of Parliament. WITH: The Whole Book of PsalBinding|PRAYER BOOK€27501807
- A View of the Government and Publick Worship of God In the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas. Wherein is shewed their Conformity and Agreement with the Church of England, as it is established by the Act of Uniformity. WITH: The Liturgy Of the Church of England asserted in A Sermon. Preached at the Chappel of the Savoy, before the French Congregation, which usually Assembles in that place, upon the first day that Divine Service was there celebrated according to the Liturgy of the Church of England.Durel, John€5501662