69 boeken
- Prayerbook for the Festivals. Pesach (1st and 2nd, and 7th and 8th Day) - Feast of Weeks (1st and 2nd Day) - Feast of Tabernacles (1st and 2nd Day) - Feast of the 8th Day of Assemble and Feast of the Joy of the Torah. Hebrew and English Text. Translation by J.Marmorstein. Heidenheim, Wolf (arranger)€301967
- The Rise and Progress of the British Explosives Industry. International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (7th : 1909 : London),Hodgetts, E. A. Brayley (Edward Arthur Brayley), 1859-1932,Tullock, Tom Gregorie, 1868-1938 VIIth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY - EXPLOSIVES SECTION€1001909