Zes verloren tragedies van Euripides. Studie met kritische uitgave en vertaling der fragmenten. - LOOY, H. VAN,


'It would be a great pity if the Flemish language prevented this careful, useful, and up-to-date book from being as widely known as it should be: twenty-five pages of summary in French make the main points clear. The first part of the book gives bibliography, number of Euripides' plays, transmission of the text, and discusses the sources of the fragments (?). The second part deals with the two Alcmaeon plays, the two Phrixus plays, and the two Melanippe plays. For these six plays we are given full texts with critical notes in Latin, translations, commentary and introduction; hypotheses, mythographers, adaptations in Latin tragedy and illustrations are included. All is done with exemplary care and caution, and the author makes it entirely clear that his own suggestions, which are often very attractive, are conjectural. (?) many problems remain in these six plays, but Van Looy has given us a most useful tool for further work and has himself cleared many difficulties out of the way.' (T.B.L. WEBSTER in The Journ...
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