Wohltätigkeit und Armenpflege im vorchristlichen Altertum. Ein Beitrag zum Problem 'Moral und Gesellschaft'. -  BOLKESTEIN, H.,


?The author seeks to answer the question as to what was the status of the poor in the social ethics, politics, and religion of the ancient pre-Christian Orient (Egypt and Palestine) as compared with that in the West (Greece and Rome). His general thesis is that, in the Orient, philanthropy is emphasised with special reference to the poor, and almsgiving and poor relief are praised as supreme virtues; in pre-Christian Greece and rome, on the other had, the object of well-doing was not the poor bit one?s fellow-citizens (?Mitbürger?, ?Mitmenschen?). The true contrast as regards the attitude to the poor, then, is not between heathendom and Christendom, as is popularly supposed, but between East and West. This essential contrast is emphasized by extensive analyses of the Greek and Roman terminology itself. The terms for philanthropy and beneficence among the Greeks and Romans, for example, had no special reference to the poor and were by no means identical with the ? charity?  (?caritas?) of the New Testament, wh...
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1939 Uitgever: Oosthoek