VIRGIL. Bucolica. Georgica. Aeneis. -  KLINGNER, F.,


?Obviously, this big book is an event: here is Klingner?s mature judgement of Virgil. It is not, however, a work of synthesis, a synoptic view of Virgil?s development and total achievement such as some of Klingner?s earlier articles had seemed to foreshadow. Nor does it deal (save in various details) with the past or present literature of the subject. Rather it presents, as Klingner declares in his preface, the results of a life-time?s preoccupation with Virgil?s works and gives us the many separate observations - especially the discoveries, the new things yet unnoticed - that he has made over the years. Some of these have already been published and are here reprinted: his famous article on the first eclogue, for example, and the whole of his recent book on the ?Georgics?. Most of the section on the ?Eclogues?, however, and the whole ?Aeneid? section (231) pages are new or some 377 (new) as opposed to 220 reprinted pages of text. One can perhaps debate the justification of the reprints: for future Virgiliana,...
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1967 Uitgever: Artemis