Variae. Recensuit Th. Mommsen. Accedunt: I. Epistulae Theodericianae Variae, edidit Th. Mommsen; II. Acta Synhodorum habitarum Romae a CCCXCVIIII di. DII, edidit Th. Mommsen; III. Cassiodori Orationum reliquiae, edidit Lud. Traube. Accedunt tabulae duae. - CASSIODORUS SENATOR,


'Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator), politician, writer, and monk (c. AD 490-c.585). His Bruttian family had a tradition of provincial leadership and official service. He assisted his father, praetorian prefect of Italy, 503-507, under the ostrogothic king Theodoric. Writing Theodoric's diplomatic letters in 506, he was quaestor sacri palatii (rhetorical draftsman and legal adviser), 507-512. (...) Prefect of Italy from 533, he was again both administrator and royal draftsman. (...) Remaining prefect under kings Theodahad and Witigitis, and made patrician, he retired in 537/38 during the gothic wars. Moving to Constantinople, he assisted pope Vergilius in the Three Chapters controversy (550). Soon after, he withdrew permanently to his monastery of Vivarium on his ancestral estate at Scylacium. There he organized translations and manuscript copying, partly to support the Three Chapters against official condemnation, partly to promote Christian education. Vivarian texts soon circulated widely, bu...
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1961Uitgever: Monumenta Germaniae Historica