The works of Archimedes edited in modern notation with introductory chapters by T.L. Heath. With a supplement The Method of Archimedes recently discovered by Heiber. [ This new Dover edition is an unabridged reissue of the Heath edition of 1897 and includes the Supplement of 1912 ]. -  Archimedes / T. L. Heath (ed.),


"The works of Archimedes edited in modern notation with introductory chapters by T.L. Heath. With a supplement The Method of Archimedes recently discovered by Heiber. [ This new Dover edition is an unabridged reissue of the Heath edition of 1897 and includes the Supplement of 1912 ]." is een boek van Archimedes / T. L. Heath (ed.),. Het is uitgegeven door Dover Publications Inc.. Deze editie verscheen in 1960.
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