The Inscription from Temple G. at Selinus. - CALDER III, W.M.,


'Carefully collating the readings from an excellent photograph, a squeeze, the autopsy of a colleague and the valuable drawings provided by the original editor Ugdulena (1871) and by Benndorf and Roehl, he (Calder - ND) has given us an exemplary text. His analysis shows that it is composed of three sections: (1) the Introduction, filling line 1, 'Thanks to the following gos the Selinuntines are victors'; (2) a 'Battle-hymn' in choriambic verse (lines 2-7 init., ending with 'malista'); (3) the decree ordering the making and depositing in the 'Apollonion' of a gold object, and the engraving on it of the names of the gods, the weight of the gold to be sixty Talents. (...) His structural analysis and valuable metrical and linguistic notes will be welcomed by all students of Greek verse.' (A.M. WOODWARD in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1966, pp.296-297).
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1963Uitgever: Duke University