The confession of faith. The larger and shorter Catechisms, with the scripture proofs at large: together the sum of saving knowledge, (contained in the holy scriptures, and held forth in the said confession and catechisms,) and practical use thereof -  N.N.


"The confession of faith. The larger and shorter Catechisms, with the scripture proofs at large: together the sum of saving knowledge, (contained in the holy scriptures, and held forth in the said confession and catechisms,) and practical use thereof" is een boek van N.N.. Deze editie verscheen in 1981.

Deze editie wordt tweedehands aangeboden door 1 boekverkopers uit Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. Voor meer info, bekijk de beschrijving van de beschikbare exemplaren verder op deze pagina.
1981 zie alle details...

