The Brain Pack (Pop-Up) -  Ron Van der Meer, Ad Dudink

an interactive, three-dimensional exploration of the mysteries of the mind


Large pop-up book about the brain. Includes audio cassette, and other materials.
Experiments, brain teasers, and optical illusions explore why we think, why we forget, how hypnosis works, and where emotions come from.
Why do you dream? Can you really jog your memory? How do you think? Can you improve your intelligence?
The asnwers to these and many more questions are right above your nose. They're also in this book!
Filled with intricate pop-ups, instructive pull-outs, optical illustrations, and mind-boggling quizzes, 'The Brain Pack' explores the fascinating facts and myriad mysteries inside your head. Evolutionary trends, scientific studies, theories of phrenology and neuropsychology, and even your own expreriences contribute to this remarkable and entertaining exploration.
With 'The Brain Pack' you can:
- Examine a three-dimensional model of your brain to see how and where information from the five senses is received and processed
- Discover how sex hormones affect the organization of the brain and influence you...
1996 Taal: Engels zie alle details...

uitgelicht door de verkoper

"Uniek interactief pop-up boek! Grote variëteit van illustraties."