Tell Beydar, The 1995 to 1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Re - Marc Lebeau

Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles de 199


This volume is the progress report of three further seasons of excavations at Tell Beydar (Syria, 1995-1997). The excavations at the central acropolis of the the IIIrd Millennium tell revealed most important Early Jezirah III and IV official buildings, including an official block (EJ III) and a series of temples (EJ III-IV). Deep soundings (fields G and I) brought much informations about the early levels of the Kranzhugel. The E field granary is fully published and adds considerable knowledge about the debated question of storage facilities in Upper Mesopotamia. The discovery of several levels of inner fortification walls proved the strategical importance of this town in the third Millennium. A considerable amount of stratified evidence is presented and helped in setting up the periodization of this urban centre, the ancient name of which was probably Nabada. Evidence from the hellenistic levels from the Upper Town enlightens the stratigraphy of this poorly known period in Upper Mesopotamia. Subartu IX includ...
2003Taal: Engelszie alle details...



2003Uitgever: Brepols Publishers620 paginasTaal: EngelsISBN-10: 2503991173ISBN-13: 9782503991177