Stadte Und Bauten Der Westgriechen -  Dieter Mertens

Von Der Kolonisationszeit Bis Zur Krise Um 400 Vor Christus


'A remarkable scholarly achievement, this massive book is the product of a specific German brand of classical archaeology, antike Bauforschung, which brings together the study of architecture and archaeological fieldwork. The author, the vice-director emeritus of the Rome branch of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and one of the most respected and authoritative experts on the Western Greeks, is a prominent representative of this scholarly tradition, which largely defines the scope of the book. Mertens brings together and discusses what is known of the architecture and urbanism of the Greek cities of Sicily and Southern Italy from the eighth century to the end of the fifth. In practical terms, this means that the book covers in detail temples - almost the only well-represented kind of monumental architecture - and urban footprints of the Greek cities, with close attention to developments over time. (...) The sheer amount of evidence and bibliography that went into this book is striking, and it would b...
2007 zie alle details...



2007 Uitgever: Hirmer Verlag GmbH 463 paginas ISBN-10: 3777427551 ISBN-13: 9783777427553